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A modern front-end development toolkit for ecommerce.

Build your store with ease and flexibility — take advantage of the cutting edge with Angular, Redux and Progressive Web Apps.

Get Started

Build the next generation of ecommerce stores.

Deliver high quality user experiences by leveraging the benefits of PWAs.

Offline Support

Take advantage of service workers to cache key assets and data on user devices. Empower your store and allow users to shop independent of network quality.

Native Functionalities

Utilize native device features like home screen access, push notifications, and immersive full screen experiences without the need of an app store.


Get all the benefits of a seamless mobile experience without sacrificing SEO. Just like a typical website, all content is indexable and searchable.


PWAs are light. They exponentially improve loading time, creating a smooth native performance for users.

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Seamless multi-platform ecommerce integration

Transition between Magento, Shopify or any other platforms without the hassle of reinventing your front-end.

Explore DaffodilJoin the ConversationGraycore, LLC © 2018 - 2025. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.